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[{"additional_emails": null, "address_line_1": "809 W Grove St", "address_line_2": null, "capacity": 34, "city": "Olney", "claimed": 0, "close_time": "4:15PM", "contact_email": "", "credential_names": [], "days_per_week": null, "description": "Welcome to Olney ISD Child Care Center, where learning meets adventure! Our experienced teachers and staff are here to help your child grow and thrive.", "diapers_wipes_provided": false, "has_enrollment_events": 0, "id": 14246, "latitude": 33.366, "longitude": -98.7619, "maximum_student_age": "8+ years", "meals_provided": true, "minimum_student_age": "0-6 months", "montessori": false, "music_based": false, "nature_based": false, "open_time": "7:15AM", "operation_number": "886868", "phone": "+19405648655", "photos": [], "play_based": true, "potty_training_age": 3, "reggio_emilia": false, "school_name": "Olney ISD Child Care Center", "snacks_provided": true, "state": "TX", "stem_based": false, "summer_care": false, "thematic": false, "type": "private", "user_login_id": null, "zip_code": "76374"}, {"additional_emails": null, "address_line_1": "202 Haggar Rd", "address_line_2": null, "capacity": 136, "city": "Olney", "claimed": 0, "close_time": "6:00PM", "contact_email": "[email protected]", "credential_names": ["Texas Rising Star"], "days_per_week": null, "description": "Discover Olney Child Development Center, where education meets imagination! Our team of dedicated educators is here to help your child learn and grow.", "diapers_wipes_provided": false, "has_enrollment_events": 0, "id": 14245, "latitude": 33.3829, "longitude": -98.7771, "maximum_student_age": "5 years", "meals_provided": false, "minimum_student_age": "0-6 months", "montessori": false, "music_based": false, "nature_based": false, "open_time": "7:00AM", "operation_number": "1630233", "phone": "+19405643239", "photos": [], "play_based": true, "potty_training_age": 3, "reggio_emilia": false, "school_name": "Olney Child Development Center", "snacks_provided": false, "state": "TX", "stem_based": false, "summer_care": 0, "thematic": false, "type": "private", "user_login_id": null, "zip_code": "76374"}]